Lemons are one of life’s greatest blessings, no doubt. With so many health benefits that they offer, it is only but natural for every household to want their own fresh supply. If you live in a cooler climate or simply don’t have enough space, try growing them in containers, and still experience the same satisfaction despite. Lemon trees in containers have about the same needs as the ones grown on the ground. This includes their need for good drainage, so make sure your pot has sufficient drainage holes. They also need regular watering or else they’re leaves will dry out and fall off. Generally, it won’t be a smooth journey, but it will definitely be worth it. Don’t give up and be consistent.
Read the full article here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/growing-lemon-trees-containers.htm#:~:text=The%20lemon%20trees%20will%20need,lemon%20tree%20in%20a%20pot.